Hi Everyone! I’ve been working my butt off to put together this e-book. Finally, after months of trying to make sure I put everything in the book that I cover in a weekend seminar, plus a couple of cool bonuses, it’s ready!!<br><br> This comedy writing system is powerful. I give you multiple ways to write comedy from scratch on virtually any subject!<br><br> Whether you are new to comedy writing or have been performing for a while, I guarantee–that’s right, GUARANTEE–that you will benefit from the tools I give you in this comedy writing system.<br><br> If you’re tired of not hitting the bulls-eye with your jokes and bits, if the material you’ve been coming up with doesn’t quite “pop,” or feels like it needs something else, this is the writing system for you!<br><br> If you’ve been reading my blog or keeping up with the advice I’ve been giving for free, that’s just been scratching the surface.<br><br> FOR THE COMEDIAN, WRITER OR PRESENTER:<br><br> Inside this book I give you multiple ways to approach writing jokes on any subject.<br> How to take your failures, weaknesses, frustrations, pet-peeves and turn them into triggered laughs.<br> How to NEVER get foiled by ‘writer’s block’ ever again!<br> I will show you the best ways to get the highly-coveted applause break.<br> How to utilize a multi-pronged process for creating your comedy and knowing why it will be funny!<br> I am so confident that you will find this comedy writing system powerful, that I am offering you a 30-day money-back guarantee!<br><br> But enough of the “sales pitchy” crap. If you want to finally feel empowered and confident about your comedy writing and never doubt your ability again, stop procrastinating and get my comedy writing system today!