10月13日周六科工专第26届年会: 科学、技术和未来-人工智能,区块链和其他科技创新的应用和展望

Posted By:         风哥 快讯   
Post type:     share
Category:     event
Price:    USD 5.00
Location:     Illinois, United States of America

10月13日周六科工专第26届年会: 科学、技术和未来-人工智能,区块链和其他科技创新的应用和展望

Early bird registration discount ($10) ends on October 7.
After 10/7 registration will be $15.
*New: Student is eligible to receive $10 reimbursement for lunch ticket.

时间: 2018年10月13日 周六 (早上8点到下午5点)

地点:DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel

75 Algonquin Rd, Arlington Heights, IL 60005


*Registration required. Don’t miss out on Early Bird ticket discount.
上午论坛内容 8:00-12:00 PM
大家将聆听到金融界大牛:芝加哥商学院教授,CNA公司前主席和CEO: Dennis Chookaszian先生,以及长江商学院金融学系主任和教授Huiling Cao博士有关区块链的应用和展望。同时,西北大学材料工程学院的Jiaxing Huang教授将为大家讲授新材料的应用。

下午论坛内容 2:00 PM-5:00PM

下午分论坛有:Big Data and Its Applications、Innovation and Entrepreneurship、以及Professional and Leadership Development。 科工专邀请了相关业界大牛带来干货分享和现场答疑。

Panel 1:

Big Data and Its Applications、Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Moderator: Mei Najim, Founder, AACS

Speakers: Alvin Chin, BMW; Frank Zhang, BMO Harris Bank; Xiaohui Kong, CAIT

Panel 2: Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Moderator: Joanna Wang

Speakers: Emily Chen, Shiying Wang

Panel 3:

Professional and Leadership Development

Moderator: Yabing Wang, VP, Alight (Aon-Hewitt)

Panelists: Ivan Chan, VP, Abbvie; Xiaojing Li, AVP, Chubb; Linda Yang, VP, Terracon; Peter Yuan, CTO, NMSC


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